
Friday, July 27, 2012

Wightman's Farm

Wightman's Farm view down Adams Lane.  Photo by Davison Bolster

Dear Members of the Preservation Society:

The Board of Trustees of the Warren Preservation Society is against the proposed changes to the existing zoning ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan relating to the land known as Wrightman's Farm.  We feel that approving these proposed changes sets a dangerous precedent:  one that undermines
the Comprehensive Plan and established zoning ordinances, all for the benefit of an individual who acquired the land with full knowledge that it was zoned R-10 Residential.  The Comprehensive Plan is our Town's road map for development and should not be easily cast aside or changed without the same level of public process that went into its creation.

The mission of the Warren Preservation Society is to preserve the historic integrity and cultural resources of our town and to educate the public to the historic value of the area.  We take our mission very seriously.  Warren is a unique town with a rich and varied history.  The preservation of open space, especially areas with site-lines to the water, is of the utmost concern to our membership as it directly links to the history of our town.

The Board of Trustees of the Warren Preservation Society strongly disagrees with the June 25th, 2012 decision of the Planning Board and we feel the "restrictions" placed on the board's approval of the alterations to the town's Comprehensive Plan and established ordinances are insufficient and do not offer the town or its citizens adequate protection from future problems arising from development on the parcel known as Wrightman's Farm.

We urge the members of the Council not to approve the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan converting this area from "high density residential" to "General Business Area" and altering the Zoning Map for this area from "R-10" to "Business."

What can you do?

SPEAK OUT against the proposed zoning change!

EMAIL the members of the Town Council and let them know you are AGAINST
the proposed zoning change.

Christopher W. Stanley, President

David S. Frerichs, Vice-President

Scott Lial

Catherine A. Tattrie

Davison Bolster

ATTEND the Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 31 at 7 PM and tell the Council you OPPOSE the proposed zoning change.

Together we can work to save the character of our Town!

Thank you for your support,

The Board of Trustees of the Warren Preservation Society

Eileen Collins, President
Kristin Macdonald, Vice President
Anthony Guida, Treasurer
Gretchen Ruebner, Secretary
Julie Blount
Keri Cronin
Cory Kallfelz
Helen Hawkins
Steven Thompson
Nathan Arndt
Janet Zwolinski, Administrator

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