
Friday, November 16, 2012

Demolition Hearing JD Tuell House 615 Main St Wilbur-Romano Funeral Home

Demolition Hearing Tuesday November 20th 7pm Town Council Chambers
JD Tuell House c. 1850 shown in photo c. 1968 courtesy Ray Romano

The owners of the Wilbur-Romano funeral home, Service Corporation International of Houston Texas have applied for a wavier allowing them to demolish the JD Tuell house c.1850 at 615 Main St in Warren.  

Service Corporation International (SCI) is the largest "deathcare" company in America with 1,423 funeral homes, 374 cemeteries in 43 states and 8 Canadian provinces and DC.  SCI reported 2011 annual revenue of $2.3 billion with $9.3 billion in assets (page 20). Download their 2011 annual report. 
Read coverage of this issue from the Warren Times

View documents related to JD Tuell House c 1850

National Historic Register Application 2002-03 section on 615 Main St (pdf)

1970 Warren Historic Building Survey - on file Warren Town Hall "Architectural Value 1-A, Historic Value 1-A"
1870 Map showing JD Tuell House at corner of Main/Wheaton St
View photos of interior of JD Tuell House taken in October 2012

Here is the text from the Warren Town Code regarding the demolition of buildings within the Warren Waterfront Historic District.

DIVISION 2. - DEMOLITION OF HISTORIC BUILDINGS.permanent link to this piece of content

In order to preserve the historic fabric of the Town of Warren, no building or structure located within the Warren Waterfront Historic District, as described in the comprehensive plan of the town is [as] bounded on the north and east by the East Bay Bike Path, on the south by Bridge Street, and on the west by the Warren River, shall be demolished unless the town council has granted a waiver to demolish the building or structure.
(Ord. of 10-14-97)
Any application for a demolition permit for a building or structure located in the Warren Waterfront Historic District shall be referred by the building official to the town council for public hearing.
(Ord. of 10-14-97)
(a) In the case of any structure or building located in the Warren Waterfront Historic District, the town council may grant a waiver to demolish a building or structure only upon a finding, after a public hearing, that at least one of the following exists:

(1) Retention of such building or structure constitutes a hazard to public safety which hazard cannot be eliminated by economic means available to the owner, including sale of the building or structure on its present site to any purchaser willing to preserve such building or structure; or

(2) Preservation of such building or structure would cause undue or unreasonable financial hardship to the owner, taking into account the financial resources available to the owner including sale of the building or structure to any purchaser willing to preserve such building or structure; or

(3) Preservation of such building or structure would not be in the best interest of the community.

(4) Any property owner seeking a waiver to demolish a building or structure in the Warren Waterfront Historic District shall also be required to make a showing to the town council that the proposed demolition complies with all of the requirements of the State Building Code.
(Ord. of 10-14-97)
Any person or property owner who shall violate any provision of this division shall, upon conviction, be punished in accordance with section 1-8 of the Warren Town Code.
(Ord. of 10-14-97)

What you can do.
1) Attend hearing Tuesday Nov 20th 7pm at Town Hall and voice your opinion

2) Contact members of the Town Council 

Christopher W. Stanley, President

David S. Frerichs, Vice-President

Scott Lial

Catherine A. Tattrie

Joseph Depasquale

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