
Friday, April 29, 2016

A Place Apart: the evolving landscape of Touisset

 Opening May 19, 2016, 5-8 Pm

Show runs May 21 - 22, 2016, 12-3 PM


the former Touisset Post Office

next to the Touisset Community Club

22 Touisset Road

Warren, RI

This exhibit features excerpts from video based oral interviews as well as maps, photographs and artifacts.
The WPS Historic House Marker Program dovetails with this exhibit and markers will be awarded at the opening.
The opening is invitation only and includes our Oral History interview subjects and their families, WPS members and members of the TPCC.

The general public is invited to view the exhibit on Saturday, May 21st and Sunday, May 22nd

from 12 - 3 PM.

New members are always welcome.
Thank you for your support!