Free and Open to the Public
The Warren Preservation Society invites you to join us on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. for a presentation on Elizabeth "Lizzie" Murphy, Warren's "Queen of Baseball." Librarian and educator Jay Hurd will lead a discussion on the extraordinary career of this pioneering female athlete.
Born in 1896, Lizzie Murphy was raised in Warren and began playing semi-professional baseball at the age of 17 when she joined the Providence Independents and later Ed Carr's Traveling All-Stars. Eventually she became the first woman to play at Fenway Park in an exhibition game against the Boston Red Sox in 1922. Keen on self-promotion, Lizzie billed herself as the "Queen of Baseball." Her successful career playing alongside male athletes and her persistence in being financially compensated for her athletic prowess make her a truly unique figure in the history of baseball, female athleticism, and her hometown of Warren, RI.
A resident of Bristol, Jay Hurd is a librarian and a baseball research expert. He is a member of the Society of American Baseball Research. He has written and lectured extensively on baseball history. There will be a question and answer session with Mr. Hurd after the presentation. This lecture is FREE and open to the public.
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