
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Lizzie Murphy "Queen of Baseball" Virtual Event

Free and Open to the Public

The Warren Preservation Society invites you to join us on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. for a presentation on Elizabeth "Lizzie" Murphy, Warren's "Queen of Baseball." Librarian and educator Jay Hurd will lead a discussion on the extraordinary career of this pioneering female athlete.


Born in 1896, Lizzie Murphy was raised in Warren and began playing semi-professional baseball at the age of 17 when she joined the Providence Independents and later Ed Carr's Traveling All-Stars.  Eventually she became the first woman to play at Fenway Park in an exhibition game against the Boston Red Sox in 1922. Keen on self-promotion, Lizzie billed herself as the "Queen of Baseball." Her successful career playing alongside male athletes and her persistence in being financially compensated for her athletic prowess make her a truly unique figure in the history of baseball, female athleticism, and her hometown of Warren, RI. 


A resident of Bristol, Jay Hurd is a librarian and a baseball research expert. He is a member of the Society of American Baseball Research. He has written and lectured extensively on baseball history. There will be a question and answer session with Mr. Hurd after the presentation. This lecture is FREE and open to the public.

Reserve Your Ticket on Eventbrite: 

CLICK HERE Eventbrite Ticket Link