
Monday, October 10, 2022

October Events

Join us on Saturday, October 15 at Noon on the corner of Main and Washington Streets featuring free hot wieners courtesy of Rod's Grille and cold drinks courtesy George Hail Free Library. 

The newly restored "Washington Street" marker was placed on the corner of Washington Street and Main Street on June 24. The marker commemorates the site of Burr's Tavern (now demolished) located on the south corner of Main and Washington Street, originally Ferry Lane (leading to the ferry landing on Water Street) and later King Street until 1835. Burr's Tavern hosted George Washington, Jefferson, De Lafayette, De Castellux, Putnam and others. The original marker was installed in 1971. A joint project of WPS and MHA, the restoration was completed by O'Brien Company of Scituate, RI. 

We will be awarding historic house markers on the first Sunday of the Warren Walkabout on from Sunday, October 16 from 12-5 pm at the Historic Warren Armory, 11 Jefferson Street & also on the second Sunday of the Warren Walkabout on Sunday, October 23 from 12-5 pm at the Maxwell House, 59 Church Street.  

Historic Markers will be awarded to the following properties:
Nathan & Reb. Miller House, c. 1789 (33 Miller Street) 
Henry & Rose Lessard House, c. 1920 (56 King Street)
Charles & Mabel Mabey House, c. 1910 (42 Haile Street)
Church Kelley House, c. 1805 (67 Water Street)
John Emery House, c. 1876 (350 Water Street)
Warren Mfg. Company House, c. 1896 (12-14 Warren Avenue)
There will also be a photography exhibit celebrating Warren Architectural Styles from 1700-1930. This exhibit feature images of nine architectural styles that are part of the Warren's historic fabric including Colonial, Federal, Greek Revival, Victorian, Mill House, Second Empire, Queen Anne, Cottage and Bungalow styles of architecture. Funded by a R.I. State Legislative Grant, the exhibit will be displayed in the lobby of Warren Town Hall after the Walkabout.


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