
Friday, March 29, 2024

Save the Town Hall Chimney!

The Warren Preservation Society is working with the Town of Warren to help raise funds for the restoration of the north chimney of the Warren Town Hall. The chimney has deteriorated and has become a safety issue. Although the chimney is no longer in use, it is a major architectural feature of our 1890 Town Hall. The Town of Warren must cover $70,000 in funds to cover staging and dismantling of the chimney. 

WPS is requesting pledges to fund the remaining $40,000 necessary to rebuild the chimney with the staging in place. 

WPS has pledged $10,000 towards the chimney restoration project and has set-up a fund to accept donations to help repair the chimney while staging for the work is in place. 

No donation is too small to protect the architectural integrity of our town's majestic Town Hall. Currently we have received pledges that cover approximately 40% of the necessary funding.

If an organization, business, or individual would like to make a tax deductible donation towards this important restoration please do so as soon as possible. 

Please email us at to pledge a donation to help restore the chimney!

Preservation Matters! Thank you for your support! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Spring Membership Meeting

Spring Membership Meeting

Thursday, March 21

Warren Methodist Church

25 Church Street, Warren

Potluck Supper - 6:00 PM (members)

Meeting and Panel Discussion - 7:00 PM

Panel Discussion - “Warren’s Affordable Housing Dilemma”

This is a friendly and informational discussion about balancing the economic and cultural assets of Warren’s historic district with the vital need for affordable housing in the community. 


Panelists will include Herb Durfee, Planner for the Town of Warren; Elizabeth Totten from the RI Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission; and Fred Massie, Chairman of the Warren Planning Board. The panel members will be asked to respond to three talking points that focus on the challenges of building affordable housing within a small historic community.  There will be time for questions from the audience after the discussion.  WPS board member Joan Coltrain will serve as moderator. 


Topics of interest include how the state’s affordable housing legislation influences new development planning, Warren’s comprehensive plan and housing survey, and concerns about density and preserving historic architectural character and scale. 

Please email us at with any questions.

Thank you for your support and participation!